Reports & Plans

Download our key preschool documents.

Site context statement

A summary of our:

  • general information
  • key policies
  • curriculum
  • staff
  • facilities
  • local community
  • partnership arrangements with other groups.

Quality improvement plan

  • An assessment of the programs we offer against the National Quality Standard and national regulations.
  • It identifies areas for improvement and includes our philosophy statement.

Annual report

  • A report on our progress, achievements, highlights and challenges for the year.

National Quality Standard rating

Our services are assessed and rated against 7 quality areas of the National Quality Standard.

Overall Rating: Meeting NQS

  • 1: Educational program and practice
  • 2: Children’s health and safety
  • 3: Physical environment
  • 4: Staffing arrangements
  • 5: Relationships with children
  • 6: Partnerships with families and communities
  • 7: Leadership and service management

Rating for:
Strathalbyn Kindergarten

Rating issued: April 2014

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